These two girls are my very best friends. Without them
I don’t know where I would be. I Talk to them literal everyday, and tell them everything.
They know me sometime better than I know myself. I look up to both of them and
strive to be more like them. They have become so much more to me than just best
friends. I am so unbelievably sad they are both moving, and will defiantly be
obsessed with Skype but I am so incredibly proud and excited for all they have
ahead of them.

Carlee and I have been friend’s sense freshman
year. I love her with all my heart! She understands my quirkiness and I in turn
deal with her craziness. We will for ever and always be best friends. She has a
crazy road ahead of her with Jaw surgery, service trip to Fiji, And than off to
Utah to go to school. I will miss her more than anyone knows but I am so proud
of her! She is one of the strongest young women I know. She is always happy and
loves making others feel the same. I cry every time I think of her not being 5
minutes away from me! But I know she will be able to learn and have the best
experiences of her life. She is strong willed and determined and no matter what
she is going through she some how seems to make it all work. I know I will
never find another Carlee she is one of a kind and all mine! Haha I am not good
at sharing so mike better watch out. I truly am so happy and excited for Carlee
and all she has planned! We will for ever and ever be the best of friends. Love
you Carlee!
Cassie Beus…..There are no words for how amazing
this girl is. She is beautiful smart funny and has the best laugh in the world.
She can make you laugh with out even trying. She, like Carlee, is moving to Utah
to Go to Paul Mitchell. I hate that the 2 best friends I will ever have are
leaving. When you’re with Cassie there are no dull moments we can talk about
anything and everything and 100% understand where the other is coming from. She
is so extraordinarily strong and positive even in the worst situations she doesn’t
let anything get her down. I know I can always talk to her and never feel like
she is judging me. I can just see what an amazing road Cassie has ahead of her
and can’t wait for her future. I am so proud of her for working so hard and
making the decision to go out and do it on her own. Cassie is her own person
and is never afraid to be herself. She has been an outstanding friend and know
she will be in my life for ever! Love you Cassie!!!